Service Level Agreements
  • 17 May 2023
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Service Level Agreements

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Article summary

Servers Australia offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that outlines our commitment to maintaining 100% network uptime and ensuring timely infrastructure replacement for servers. 

This SLA is available on our website at and is included in the Customer Relationship Agreement (CRA).

The SLA is designed to provide assurance to our customers that we take uptime and reliability very seriously. If we fail to meet the performance standards outlined in the SLA, customers may be eligible for compensation or other remedies as outlined in the agreement.

It's important to note that some of our solutions may operate under different SLAs, and in such cases, the specific terms and conditions will be outlined in the contract you receive. We encourage our customers to review the SLA and any relevant contracts carefully, as they provide important information about our commitment to providing reliable, high-quality services.

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