Veeam Agent - Windows Restore Files
  • 27 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Veeam Agent - Windows Restore Files

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Article summary

This article will cover the steps to restore files/folders using the Veeam backup agent on your Windows server.

For this example, we have a folder in the Downloads directory with important files that were accidentally deleted.

First, go to the system tray at the bottom right of your Windows GUI and open the Veeam backup agent by double-clicking on its icon (Green V).

The agent will open and show you the initial status along with the server’s name, this example server is called “VEEAMWINAGENT”

Now you have the interface open and can start the process.

Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left and move your mouse to the option to “Restore file”

This will open the restore wizard in a new window and take you straight to the “Restore Point” step.
Choose the applicable restore point that has the data you need to restore and click Next.

The wizard will then take you to a summary page, click “Open” to get to the backup contents:

The window will now show the root C: drive details you should be familiar with from your Windows server interface:

Navigate to the files/folders you wish to restore and highlight them with your mouse:

Then click the Restore button at the top left.

There are two choices for the restore:
“Overwrite” - any files that already exist on your server will be overwritten with the data from the backup.
“Keep” - any files that already exist on your server will be kept as is, only new files from the backup will be restored.

A status window will appear after you click the restore choice, updating the details as the restore progresses:

Until it is complete:

Checking back on our server we can see the accidentally deleted files are now present once more:

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