Spam Experts domain configuration
  • 17 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Spam Experts domain configuration

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Article summary

So you have just purchased Spam Experts for your server - you've configured the first domain but mail isn't flowing - when you send test messages they bounce or just don't get delivered.

Here are a few tips on the configuration required for WHM/cPanel servers:

Make sure the MX records for the domain are: Priority 10 Priority 20

Make sure the Spam Experts servers are pointing to the correct server:

1. Log into the Spam Experts server
2. Search for the domain name
3. Click on the domain name link
4. Select the "Edit Route(s)" button
5. Make sure the IP or URL entered is correct and that it exists.

To have mail delivered to a local mailbox in WHM/cPanel from Spam Experts:

To have mail delivered to a local mailbox in WHM/cPanel from Spam Experts you must set the MX routing in WHM/cPanel to Local.

1. Log into WHM
2. Search for DNS in the search just below the WHM logo
3. Select "Edit DNS Zone"
4. Type the domain name - or select it from the list
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and make sure "Email Routing" is set to "Local Mail Exchanger" and not "Automatically Detect Configuration".

If this is left on "Automatically Detect Configuration" WHM looks at the MX records and sees they are not local addresses. This will make it set the routing to "Remote Mail Exchanger" which will cause all emails to fail when Spam Experts tries to deliver an email to the server.

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