Restoring Files - Veeam Service Provider Console
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Restoring Files - Veeam Service Provider Console

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Article summary

Restoring Files

Before restoring files, you must have already completed a valid backup job.
The veeam agent service must be running on the machine that you're restoring files to.

The below guides cover the required steps to configure your backups.
Installing the Management Agent
Configuring Backup Jobs

To restore files to a backed-up machine: 

1. Navigate to the 'Protected Data' section in Service Provider Console.

2. Select the machine you'll be restoring files to from the list of backups.

3. Click the 'File-Level Restore Portal' button.

Click the 'Select...' option.

1. Choose the restore point you wish to restore files from. If there are multiple backups for the same day, multiple restore points will show up under the 'Restore Points' section.

2. Click 'Select'.

Please be patient while the File-Level Restore Portal loads your restore point.
The system must mount your backup file on the backup server and extract the index of all your backed-up files.
This may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your backup.

Once the backup is loaded, you will see a file listing of all the files in your backup.

1. Using the backup explorer, navigate to the files and folders you wish to restore.

2. Select the files and folders you wish to restore.

3. Click 'Add to Restore List'.

You can repeat this for all of the files and folders you wish to restore.

Once you've finished your selections: 

1. Click the 'Restore List' tab at the top of the page.

2. Select all of the files you wish to restore. You can select them all or you can select individual files and folders to restore them one at a time, or with different restore modes.

3. Click the 'Restore' button to change the restore mode.

The 'Restore' button will present you with two options.

1. Keep - This will restore a copy of the file with an appended string to the filename, which means it won't overwrite the live copy on your machine. This is good if you're unsure about overwriting the live file, or wish to compare the restored file to the live version.

2. Overwrite - This will replace the live file with the restored file from the backup. Please be careful when using this option, as the live file will be fully replaced with the copy from your backup.

Once you choose the restore mode you will see the 'Restore Status' change for the files that are being restored.

The files will be removed from the list once the restore is complete.

To see the history of your file restores, click the 'Audit' tab at the top of the page.

Handling Errors

Common Reasons for Errors and Solutions
* The file you're attempting to restore is currently locked by the operating system of the machine you're restoring to. Try to use 'Keep' restore mode instead of 'Overwrite' in this case.
* There may be an error with the backup file. Try to use a different restore point instead.
* There may have been an error mounting the backup restore point. Close the File-Level restore portal and try again.
* There may be an issue communicating with the Veeam backup agent on the machine. Check that the Veeam agent service is running and the connection is healthy in the Veeam Service Provider Portal.

In this example, we can see that some files and folders were unable to be restored. 

If you navigate back to the 'Restore List' you will see the files that had errors are still listed.

First, simply retry to restore the files.

If that fails, you can retry a restore using a different restore mode.

If this fails as well, there may be an error with the specific restore point that you've selected, or the backup may not have mounted correctly.

First, try to re-mount the backup. Close the File-Level restore portal and try again.

If the restores still fail, try a different restore point. First, select all the files that failed in the 'Restore List', choose 'Remove from Restore List', then navigate back to the 'Browse' tab.

You can then select a different restore point by repeating the steps in the first section of this guide.

If you're still seeing errors restoring the files after trying different restore points and re-mounting, then please contact our Support team for further assistance.

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