How To: Use WinMTR to submit networks diagnostics (Windows)
  • 17 May 2023
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How To: Use WinMTR to submit networks diagnostics (Windows)

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Article Summary

To assist us in narrowing down any potential network issues, we may ask our customers for an MTR report. 

This report helps us trace your network traffic along its path to your server and provides the information required to narrow any issues between your server and where you are connecting from. To generate an MTR report which can be emailed or submitted via a support ticket, please follow these steps:

Download WinMTR from

 Once downloaded, follow the below steps:

  1. Unzip the downloaded file to your local computer.
  2. Open the WinMTR_x64 folder thayou'veve just unpacked.
  3. Double-click on WinMTR.exe to open the program.
  4. Type the IP address of your server in the Host section.
  5. Press the Start button in the application.
  6. The MTR report should now be running and you should now see some data populating the previously blank area.
  7. Let the MTR report run for at least 10 minutes.
  8. After at least 10 minutes of the report running, click the Copy Text to Clipboard button.
  9. You can now paste the MTR report into your ticket or email to Servers Australia for review.

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