How to Adjust Disk Space Quotas in WHM
  • 08 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Adjust Disk Space Quotas in WHM

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Article summary

There are two ways you can modify the disk quota for a cPanel account in WHM - it depends on if you have setup packages for your users or if you manually set the resources for each account when you first created them.


If you have set up different packages for your customers the easiest way to achieve an increase in disk quota for each customer is to simply edit the package in WHM and increase the disk quota. Once you have made the change every account under that package will have the new size.

You can edit the package from within the Packages section of WHM - or simply type package into the search field just under the WHM logo in the top left corner, then select Edit a Package from the menu.

Single Account:

If you only want to modify a single account :
1. In the WHM search box - type in: list
2. Select "List Accounts"
3. Click the + sign next to the domain you would like to change
4. Select Change Quota
5. Enter the new quota for the account and click Save

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