Configuring Backup Jobs for Windows - Veeam Service Provider Console
  • 15 Feb 2024
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Configuring Backup Jobs for Windows - Veeam Service Provider Console

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Article Summary

Before configuring backup jobs you'll need to ensure the machine you wish to back up is already added to the Service Provider Console.
Please make sure you've already completed the agent installation in the previous guide: Here

To configure backup jobs in Veeam Service Provider console, navigate to the "Backup Jobs" section in the left menu.

Select the computer you wish to backup, then click 'Create Job'.

If you haven't created a backup job before you'll want to click 'Create a new Job', otherwise you can use an existing backup job template.

Name your backup job and give it a description (optional).

Choose 'Server' or 'Workstation' depending on what's being backed up. Choosing 'Server' will give you some additional options such as guest processing (for SQL application awareness for example).

Choose whether to backup the entire computer, specific volumes, or folders. We highly recommend a backup of the entire computer if you want to be able to restore an entire server from a backup.

Under 'Destination' make sure you choose 'Veeam Cloud Connect Repository' if you are using Servers Australia's backup repository. 

Under 'Credentials', enter your Cloud Connect username and password. In most cases, this should be the same as your login to the Service Provider Console (unless you have created multiple users for example).

Note: Don't put the company name, just the username part of your login. 

1. Select the repository to store your backups in. 

2. Select how many day's worth of retention points you want to keep.

You can configure GFS (Grandfather, Father, Son) archival backups here as well, however, most users will simply want to keep more short-term backups.

3. Click the 'Advanced Settings' button.

Under the advanced settings, you'll want to configure 'Synthetic Full Backups' periodically.

Due to the way Veeam backup chains work, Veeam cannot remove backups until a Synthetic full backup is taken and there are enough backups in the chain to meet your retention policy.

If you're using an immutable repository, you MUST configure a full backup schedule.

You can learn more about how Veeam synthetic backups work HERE

You can also configure backup file encryption under the 'Storage' tab if required. 

Make sure that you never lose your encryption password as Servers Australia will not be able to assist you in restoring encrypted backups if your password is lost.

Under the "Backup Cache" section, you can enable a local backup cache which will help in the event of a connection loss to the backup server. Ensure you have enough free space on the drive that you configure the cache on.

Under the "Guest Processing" tab you can configure application-aware processing for if your server is running MSSQL for example. This is optional.

You'll need to enter your MSSQL credentials here if you wish to enable application-aware processing.

You can also set a script to run before and after the backup job if you want to create application awareness for custom applications. This is done on the 'scripts' tab. You can find information on how this works HERE

In terms of all information relating to how Veeam handles application awareness please review the following link.

On the "Schedule" page you can choose when the backup job runs and which days and times.

For daily backups, we recommend to simply change the backup time, but leave the other options default.

Under Summary, review your backup job settings, then click Finish.

Back on the 'Backup Jobs' page in Veeam Service Provider Console, you'll see 'Applying...' under the Backup Policy heading on the computer you just configured backups for. The backup job will run automatically on the schedule you set.

You can also start a backup at any time by selecting the computer from the list and clicking the 'Start' button.

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